Islam is my pride, Islam is my life

Forever Islam

Sunday, March 28, 2010

If you want God to love you, you have no alternative except to please Him and do what He loves

Enjoin the Good and Forbid the Evil

"You are the best Ummah ever raised up for mankind, you enjoin Al-Maruf (all the good things Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (all the evil that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah." (Al-Imran: 110)

And man cannot avert loss unless he does these four things:

"By the time, verily man is in loss. Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience." (Al-'Asr)

Belief in Allah
Do what is right according to the Quran and sunnah alone
Invite others towards truth based on the Quran and sunnah
Recommend people to be constant and patient in their day to day life

It takes time to build this personality....
You can do it only by asking Allah's help
He created you and so He alone can take care of you....

Start accomplishing simple actions in order to please Him alone
You will see how His mercy extends over you....

I hope you try....

My sincere wishes to you


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